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FRT Training & Research Institute
For the Cultivation and Development of the Individual
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Energetic Awareness
Applied Human Energetics
Energetic Anatomy & Principles
Human Energetics Training
Our training in Human Energetics brings to light this ancient and crucial physical and metaphysical wisdom and applies it in a practical, scientific and tangible way to your performance, your training and all aspects of life betterment.
Energy is everything. From the quality of your own energy, to that of others and the environments you live in, energetics affect your world every day in every way. Your awareness and mastery of it depicts many of your outcomes.
In this series we openly teach how we use our Applied Human Energetics across the fields of Security, Athlete Training, Elite Performance, Injury Prevention, Recovery, Preventative Health, Relationships, Communications, Strategy and Whole Life Wellbeing.
This fundamental topic is so crucial to human wellbeing and success that your knowledge in this arena is vital for better understanding, control and creation in all areas of your life.
Read more below or contact us for a bespoke programme.
Applied Human Energetics Training
In Human Energetics, energy is the bind of the body to the soul.
If energy is the binding, then we want the quality of that bind to be as strong, clear and focused as possible.
Training and learning at Five Rings is specifically concerned with the relationship between body and soul, and the relationship between Human & The Divine, and hence we train with the intention to increase the connectivity between both.
As Humans we are both physical and spiritual beings. Our energetics is where our physical and spiritual meet, and further, how we truly express our current State into our outer world. Whether we are aware of it or not, our inner energetic quality or State is speaking to [building] our outer circumstances, relationships, creations, all of the time.
At Five Rings Training our Lead Coaches are skilled to be able to see and map energetic states and hence we use this understanding across all aspects of our work in very tangible and results-orientated ways. We use it in our work in security, training, performance, wellbeing, business, life coaching and personal advancement, to give us information we can act upon. With that information we become better informed and can build effective solutions to problems and become mindful and directionally-focused Creators.
"The seen unseen space in which mind, body, soul, intention come together to define the creation of our life." Five Rings Training Founder

Energetics Awareness
You have natural human capabilities in Energetics. Without learning about Energetic Awareness you are using your own Energetics capabilities every day in every way without your mindful conscious knowledge, control or direction.
We speak to you here therefore of an enormous untapped power of potential, available to you at your fingertips, and which our training in Energetics Awareness can unleash.
When you become educated in Energetics you discover a whole new way of understanding life which is more empowering, healthier and more spiritually aligned.
In our Energetics Awareness Teaching we teach you a full understanding of energetics awareness and how to apply it to your life, how you understand and navigate your connection to others, and how you build your outcomes.

Human Energetics Training Programmes
Taking You to the next level.

Energetic Awareness
Teaching Series
Open to organisations this international teaching and coaching series is available for booking by application.

Applied Human Energetics
Seminars & Consulting
Available as a Seminar Series and by private consulting contact us to gain our teaching, knowledge and insights in this vital subject

Energetic Anatomy & Principles
Teaching Series
This teaching series is now available via private mentorship and organisational coaching. Contact us to arrange your training and learning.